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Student Projects and Internships

Master’s Thesis/ Company-based Projects

In order to complete their degree courses students have to write a Master’s Thesis, which can be based on a project developed within a company. Companies then have the opportunity to host FEUP students for a period of about 5 months and supervise them while the project is being developed. Companies may suggest project proposals but these have to be accepted by the students’ supervisors at FEUP in order to ensure that projects meet the required scientific standards to allow students to obtain a Master’s degree.

If the company is located in the EU, students can apply for a scholarship within the framework of the Erasmus + Programme to help support their stay in the company. Every semester FEUP contacts companies which are interested in this programme, in order to secure projects for students to develop.

Recent graduate internships

The Erasmus + Programme also enables EU-located companies to host recent graduates for a professional internship. The programme grants recent graduates a small scholarship but the topic, objectives and tasks are defined by the company, which has to nominate a training supervisor. Such internships usually start in August and last from between 2 to 12 months.

LGP Projects - “Linking Great Partners”

LGP Projects are undertaken in the curricular subject called “Project Management Laboratory”, which forms part of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering and the Master in Multimedia from the Faculty of Engineering in collaboration with the course of Project/ Internship of the study programme in Communication Design of the Faculty of Fine Arts. These projects enable students to develop real solutions for real companies, who may define projects they would like students to carry out, thereby assuming the role of customer. Companies thus follow projects as they evolve and show their level of satisfaction concerning product objectives and outcomes.

To accomplish their mission students are organized in teams of 10 and each group is responsible for conducting all the tasks that a software project involves. These teams are then established as virtual companies, developing a corporate identity and marketing strategy.

Projects are carried out during the academic year and the final result is presented at a specially organized event. For students this is a great opportunity to practise the knowledge that they have acquired throughout their Master’s degree course, while for companies it is an opportunity to see their projects being carried out by “young engineers”.

To know more access the testimonials written in the first person.

For more information, contact us.

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